We've been back home for more than 2 weeks and I have had plenty of time to evaluate the 800 pictures I took. Here are the top five contenders for inspirational sources for paintings.
My favorite is the sunlit pot of hanging geraniums. A lot of the wall would have to be cropped out and I want to keep the exposed stonework in the top left. This ws from Mailly-la-Ville, Burgundy.
My second favorite picture is that of the buildings will the blue shutters at the top right. Some rearranging would be necessary to make a good composition. It was rainy when I took this so I would have to be creative with the light source. This was in Roussillon, Provence.
Next comes the curving downhill side street in Joigny, Burdundy. Couldn't you see an old woman cautiously walking down this steep street. I can. Me. The trees would need to be trimmed back to reveal the rooftops and the countryside beyond.
The rainy day market in Carpentras, Provence brought out this umbrella seller. Nice potential here for contrast with grays and the bright color of the umbrellas.
Lastly, this was my view of the church at Gurgy, Burgundy as I ate dinner one night. Gurgy is the snail growing capitol of the world. Somewhere around here is a farm for free-range snails. Imagine that. I liked the shapes, shadows and colors created by the setting sun. Notice the gargoyle downspout.